This is why I call them idiots

This is why I call them idiots

We have received reports from ALL units on PeeVille, that the computer Kiosks are down. Well, duh. Only the DOC in their infinite wisdom could put delicate technology out in the 118 degree heat! The phones are outside too. Make your calls early, because the black...
Shortcuts in Medical?

Shortcuts in Medical?

Getting needed medication when you’re in prison isn’t an easy process at the best of times. You have to report to pill call at a specific time. You line up with everyone else needing to get their meds, standing outside in the weather. Rain? Stand in line....
Quarantined on Cruz

Quarantined on Cruz

Dateline Santa Cruz: Our sources report that four women are quarantined from “D” yard. Originally, they told the women residents that if that happened, Santa Cruz would be isolated and be “a city unto itself”. But, as usual, the DOC...