God bless email capable inmates. Families are more than happy to share their loved ones’ email from the women’s prison. It isn’t a pretty picture. The phrase “packed together like sardines” was most prevalent.

One woman looked at her unit’s medical waiting area which was standing room only and observed coughing inmates right on top of each other. Of course, no sanitizer or masks are being distributed.

On minimum units, the women are stacked like orange cordwood. Maintaining a 6-foot distance is impossible. It’s more like 6-inches.

And then there are the constant lines for medical, property, store, and chow. Women from Carlos (population 1468) said the average wait in a packed line can exceed 2 to 3 hours.

The “cubicle’ in each “aircraft hanger”, called a bay is separated from the next inmate by 25 inches. How is the DOC going to quarantine them when they get the virus?

We will keep you updated as much as possible with stories direct from the women affected by this crisis.

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