We have one witness on Lumley unit that has reported in.

“The entire inmate population was offered the Covid Moderna vaccine today. Pod by pod, room by room, they marched to Visitation where Army medics were standing by to administer the shots. It’s been almost five weeks since our elderly got their first shot, so they lined up with us for their 2nd and our first.

There has been absolutely no Covid fact sheet, or ANY kind of education aimed at the women to help them to make a decision. If you don’t listen to Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN you are shit out of luck. The DOC made no effort to encourage the women to take this important vaccine. The majority of the girls had no idea what vaccine was given! There were plenty of gals that received bogus conspiracy theories, like ‘It changes your DNA’, ‘It has lethal amounts of mercury in it’. etc. There was no staff member to assuage their fears, or counter erroneous ideas.

It was just another example of DOC’s ‘We don’t give a damn’ policies.”