The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A note to new readers: smoking bathrooms were chosen by the inmates when Carlos was built. Staff will never acknowledge their existence.)

This lady’s name is Dana, and she was assigned this cube Oct 2021. She has never received a ticket, always done her porter job on time, and is a model inmate. Dana is a lifelong nonsmoker. From the moment she realized that her cube location subjected her to 24/7 smoke fumes, she’s begged to be moved in 8 inmate letters, and 4 emails to staff. She received one paper reply from staff, and zero replies to her emails. There have been numerous attempts to speak to staff in person without receiving any help.

Dana has tried to enlist the aid of medical in her struggle to breathe. Providers there gave her two different kinds of inhalers “because of the smoke”, but refused inhalation therapy and refused to help her move. This poor woman gets absolutely no help for her disability from a state agency entrusted with her care. Not only does this cruelty affect her physical health, it has plunged her mental health into despair….. she has contemplated suicide watch.

Dana recently had an emergency ICS due to breathing spasms. An advocate of hers researched inmate courtesy moves within Carlos, and found they are a common practice…….. for everything BUT smoking. The advocate explained to her all she needs to do is ask to be near a caregiver, and she’d be moved right away. But don’t ever, ever, say the S word (smoking)! A resident will be punished for telling the truth about smoke, but lying is OK.

The DOC is a bunch of lying hypocrites!!!!! They will never acknowledge smoking bathrooms, or smoking out of area, or smoking period. DOC, you have a dark, evil heart for subjecting Dana to this living hell.