We have received many, many complaints about this transport officer. It’s time to put his name on the internet and let Dr. Thornell know that this is the type of guard that risks lives. Reportedly, he has always been known for his erratic and dangerous driving, even by his co-workers. We did receive two recent grievances from residents that we will print excerpts from. Ms. M and Ms. L respectively.

“On 10-11-23 I had a physical therapy appointment and was picked up by transport officers Cheatham and Hernandez. I felt like Hernandez did a good job of securing my wheelchair in the ADA compartment. COII CHEATHAM was the driver, and he drove so fast and erratic that I was jerked all over the place. At one point he took a corner so fast that my wheelchair was tilted on two wheels! I could hear the helpless cries of the two girls in the back of the van. When we arrived at the PT place I told Cheatham that his driving was scary and unprofessional. He made a snide remark, and in retaliation for my comment, he put my wheelchair in a corner with me facing the wall. Like a 3-year-old! He drove even worse on the ride back if that was possible.”

Ms. L has her say: “I am the woman that was sucked into the MRI machine and my story had been on the news the night before. I knew Hernandez and Cheatham recognized me because I heard them talking about it. Ms. M had been secured in the ADA compartment, so us two PT patients were put in the bench seat in the back of the van. We were only secured with a lap seat belt. The wall behind us is curved so we can’t sit straight up, we spend the ride hunched over. There is no way to brace myself as I am chained from hand to foot. COII Cheatham drove like a madman…starting and stopping with a jerk, turning corners fast, hitting every pothole, which resulted in me sliding all over and hitting my head on the walls.

When we got to Simon Med COII CHEATHAM had the nerve to ask ME if I was going to push the patient in the wheelchair into the building! I told him that was his job. I told my physical therapist what happened, and why I was barely able to do my exercises. He agreed to help me arrange for any other transport but the ADA van. I can’t prove it, but I felt like Cheatham was retaliating against me for my TV story.”