In our opinion, Mr. Winbush is the BEST officer in Perryville. No matter what job he is assigned; kitchen officer, medical, bay, or yard, he is the consummate gentleman. He calls the residents “young lady” whether they be 18 or 80. He never screams or raises his voice to them, yet they are compliant to his rules and policies. Mr. Winbush instinctively knows….if you treat them like ladies, they will act like ladies.

I’ve observed him at medical in a high-pressure situation, and he never loses his cool. He can juggle patients, officers, and providers with effortless ease and still maintain his trademark cheerfulness. No swear word has come out of his mouth.

Does all this mean he’s lenient with the girls? Nope. Yesterday he posted himself at the smoking bathrooms and took two fistfuls of IDs for smoking in there.

We recommend Winbush for OFFICER OF THE YEAR!