“I am an advocate for all families that are being affected emotionally and financially by ADCRR’s current and unlawful use of TABE 11 and 12 grade, pre-college curriculum, in place of 8th-grade literacy, statute 31.229 and DOC 910, section 3.0 for the financial, political, and overpopulation retention goals.

The new 11/12 grade pre-college curriculum tests were implemented on March 10th, 2022, by CEPT and all education departments to be enforced by Perryville’s Education Department for Mandatory requirements. This unlawful decision has caused residents to fail TABE tests at an alarming rate.

Residents are in phase 2 status until they pass Mandatory, which means they have lower-paying prison jobs, and are disqualified from Televerde, Hometown Hero’s, etc. They can’t participate in many recreation, fundraisers, activities, and are allowed fewer calls and visits with family. They don’t have access to Programs needed/required for release.

Instead of spending their time on college curriculum, they can’t pass, they could be spending it on a GED that will pay a lifetime of benefits when they get out.

We feel this was implemented solely for the purpose of enriching the state’s coffers, and has NOTHING to do with rehabilitation of the residents.” (Readers: when we find out how much the state is making off the backs of the inmates, we’ll let you know. Ed.)