An Air Force veteran we featured before, had another severe injury to her previously broken leg. Her knee and ankle were left hideously swollen just before 11 am count. CO Lara was informed immediately, but she asked the inmate if she could wait until count had cleared.

Unfortunately, during count, San Carlos had 3 ICS’s and our Vet hadn’t been seen by medical yet for, she claims, 2 hours. Finally, Lt. Cole stops by and the Vet is wheeled to medical. Allegedly, Lt. Cole tells her that an ICS is a “life or death situation, and hers doesn’t qualify.”

The Vet is a good soldier but she is crying because of the pain. The Head Nurse makes an assessment looking at the grotesquely swollen knee, and orders her to x-ray at Complex. After waiting in the medical hall for 3 hours, she is informed that no one is available to take her there! The Vet ends up back at the Bay for the night.

The next day our veteran is ordered to the V gate for the trip to Complex. Perryville only has one working wheelchair van, but it’s in use somewhere. The Vet has to refuse because without a wheelchair van, she’d be forced to CRAWL into the regular van. Been there, done that and she won’t do it again. A refusal means no x-ray….she hopes nothing is broken