This looks like a monthly event….just like cramps. (And here I thought I was too old for that anymore:-/ Instead of 5 am, they woke us up at 6:13 am. They learned something from my last blog, that there had been no time for breakfast. Hurrah, they figured that out. They started with A1. It is 9:28 am and A3 hasn’t been stripped out yet (Yawn).

While I’m waiting, I want to give a shout out to Lt. Tyrrell for the suburb entertainment early this morning. He did a good job of yelling at the women, most of whom were asleep, to terrorize them awake. He announced no movement until the lady cops could strip us out….which would mean A3 would have to wait God knows how long. Here we go again. Apparently, they didn’t learn all their lessons from last time. As soon as Terrible Tyrrell said that, the girls erupted. One of our most vocal members complained the loudest about not going to the bathroom. Tyrrell HANDCUFFED her, I kid you not and dragged her into the empty COIII office. From all the wild gestures and loud voices heard through the glass, we assume they were getting their point across. The upshot? We were allowed to use the restroom, otherwise, it would have been a THREE-HOUR WAIT!

At 9:45 am A3 is finally getting stripped of their clothes and their dignity. This is the 2nd thing they changed from last time Instead of putting the entire Bay in Visitation and illegally going over maximum occupancy, they allowed people to either be outside or Visitation. This was fine until at count time they stashed A3 in dining hall #1 which has no bathroom facilities.

Why do men constantly separate women from the toilet? Does anyone know? Eventually, we had to go and were allowed (reluctantly) to Medical’s restroom. Even there, some guard called Z was not giving out toilet paper. That stopped when I got there because I was mad and not taking it anymore.

The last straw was back at the dining room….they screwed with the diabetics. Two insulin-dependent ladies asked to get their state-issued sandwich, it was 1 pm, and they usually eat at noon. Sgt. Morning said “No.” Diabetic #1 said, “But I might have an ICS if I don’t eat after my shot.” The Sgt. said, “Do what you got to do.” !

To sum up a horrible day for the ladies of Alpha They duplicated their insanity of Dec 4th, EXCEPT, (1) They made sure I didn’t call the Fire Marshall’s office again for exceeding max occupancy. (2) They relented faster about the bathroom. (3) Women were allowed to eat breakfast.

I’ve conducted various interviews with staff, and they say drugs are being found, hence the shakes. Have they ever considered going to the SOURCE of the drugs which we believe are staff and contractors? Why not use that handy dandy $250,000 body scanner on the cops????? All of them.