(Ed. note: We have seen the patient’s original X-ray report and copy of the letter she sent to the Prison Law Office, and of course, we did a one-on-one interview. This article starts with an overview of her situation taken from the letter to Prison Law.)

“My name is Robin and I’ve been diagnosed with stage 4 breast, bone, and lung cancer. That diagnosis was given to me by Maricopa County Hospital, while I was an inmate in jail in June 2023. Before that I was in Hospice of the Valley in Mesa. While I was in Maricopa jail, they gave me too much methadone and I overdosed. I fell off the gurney and broke my neck.

When I was sent to Perryville prison I was immediately put into the SNU, their version of hospice. That was September 2023, and Dr. Ibrahim received my full records from hospice and jail as he was in charge of IPC and SNU. I was then sent off-site to an oncologist at Ironwood. She confirmed the hospital’s diagnosis but added I was too weak for chemotherapy and radiation, and wanted me to continue with hospice. At this time my lung is deteriorating and I’m in extreme pain. I’m confined to a wheelchair and require diapers. My story gets worse in October 2023.

“I filed for Medical Clemency in October, but I needed my records to be sent with it. Provider Malcolm called me to Carlos medical to tell me, ” There are no medical records that say I have cancer. The medical Director Dr. Ibrahim might have taken them, but he’s no longer here.” This was the middle of November. Providers John and Malcolm both said my medical records were sent to the Clemency Board when I applied on December 1, 2023.

I was denied on 1-16-24, but I don’t believe the correct records were sent to the board, because I just found out the prison lists me AS A BLACK MALE! (I’m white with blue eyes). The X-Ray request taken on 1-8-24, has my correct birthday, ADC number, and name, but under Race: B. Sex M.!! On 1-24-24 I asked a COIII to look me up on the prison computer to see if it was fixed….. wait for it….now I’m a BLACK WOMAN. Who knows what medical records the Clemency Board got, but it wasn’t mine. I’m asking Prison Law to find my correct medical records so I can file another Clemency appeal as I’m scared of dying in here of neglect. (end part 2)

The differences in quality of care are significant. In hospice, I received enough morphine to block all pain, was on constant oxygen, and got plenty of breathing treatments. In SNU I believe my morphine was cut in half to 200mg/day, which only blunted the constant pain. Oxygen was only administered when my level dropped below 82. At San Carlos under Malcolm and Johns, morphine is rationed out to only 120mg/day which leaves me in CONSTANT agony. I’m not on oxygen at all, and receive no breathing treatments.

On 1-25-24 an ICS was called because I had chest pains, numbed left arm, and coughing up blood. They wheeled me to medical where an EKG confirmed I had an irregular heartbeat. My oxygen was horribly low at 72. You’d think they would call 911, but both providers refused saying I wasn’t coughing blood anymore, and oxygen got my score to 89. They sent me back to my bunk.

I know my crying disturbs the people around me, but the pain from advanced cancer is unrelenting. Why does the DOC treat people so callously?

I’m hoping my story gets out to the media and advocates everywhere, so no one else has to die like this.”