(We love these stories. Very seldom does the lowly inmate get what she deserves, so this was pure vindication)

Robin found out yesterday from the Court, that she had been awarded 6 million dollars from her medical lawsuit in compensatory and monetary damages. This elderly woman took on the DOC, and two for-profit medical vendors, in a lawsuit ALL BY HERSELF. No help from anyone. Robin had taken a paralegal course and bought books on civil law. From that humble beginning…..she slayed dragons! She started the process in November of 2021.

We have written about her medical tribulations before, but to give new readers a quick synopsis, we’ll review. Provider April McEwen gave Robin the wrong shot….it was meant for someone else. There was an immediate catastrophic reaction, that eventually resulted in compromised lymph nodes, infections in bones, cervical, and nerves. She still suffers from extreme pain and cranial swelling and she is wheelchair bound. Robin will have to endure six surgeries to improve her health, but Dr. Ibriham (at one time the medical director at Perryville) told her to wait for those surgeries until she leaves prison because “The staff is too incompetent to care for you after these complicated procedures.”

After Robin leaves prison behind, she plans to start an advocate group called “Perryville Lives Matter Too”. She will use her medical compensation to improve the lives of the incarcerated.