Infrastructure Nightmares


Introduction to this Topic by the Editor

I need to give you a little background on Perryville so this will be more understandable. This prison was built in the early 1970’s by male inmates, for male inmates. The women didn’t come here until about 1990. AS in all government, the cheapest bid got the job. By all reports, this prison was raised fast, and I suspect, with the minimum of supervision of the builder/inmates. These are eye witness reports from the current women residents.

Explaining the Shower Picture


This is an accurate sketch of a real shower in “B” yard, Santa Cruz unit. Do you see the loose wires hanging in the lower door jamb? I was told they were “live” because this shower light is still on. I won’t test this theory! I’ve tried to portray all the standing water in front of those wires. All the shower units have standing water because the drains are all plugged.

Standing water = black mold we see everywhere

When inmates complained about the condition of this shower, they just took off the door and left it open. In the shower next to this one (not pictured) is the same filth.

The regulators (hot and cold) will not engage so moving the handle from Hot to Cold does nothing. The temperature the DOC sets is what you get. In the winter the water is cold and in the summer, it’s hot. The water pressure would increase dramatically if they would soak the shower heads in Lime-aWay to remove 50 years of accumulated minerals.

Why Women DON’T Ask For Mental Health Care

Why Women DON’T Ask For Mental Health Care

(A rebuttal to Director Thornell’s out-of-touch letter to the inmate population. A first-hand recent account.)

“My dad had just died and I felt like joining him. I went to medical and informed the guard that I felt like hurting myself. At first, he tried to talk me out of it by saying ‘It’s better here than there’ meaning the watch building. I insisted so he handcuffed me and I waited for a van to ” watch”.

At the watch building I was stripped out, put in a smock that didn’t close, so had to clamp my arms together to keep it from falling off. In the cell, all I was given were two blankets and a thin mattress. I was on constant watch for 3 days, which meant an officer was outside the cell looking at me all the time.

I did not see a mental health official until the 2nd day, and that was a nurse for a brief 10 minutes. Recreation was 30 minutes a day but only at 4:30 am. Water was from the faucet no cup. Food was only sandwiches, nothing hot and it was FREEZING in there. Third day was identical to the second. I then graduated to a 20-minute watch, and got clothes on the 4th day.

Throughout this ordeal, the only mental health official I saw was 10 minutes a day with no counseling, only questions….’You gonna hurt yourself?’. The next two days was 10 minute watch, then 5 minutes with my first book and my first hot meal.

After over a week of torture, I was unceremoniously dumped back at my Bay, without ever having any kind of counseling or seeing a psych person beyond a nurse. I finally saw a psychology person who could prescribe, more than two weeks after I first asked for help. The so-called counseling was abysmal. “

Contrast CA to AZ mental health watch

Contrast CA to AZ mental health watch

(We had the opportunity to interview a lady that recently transferred from California’s CIW prison to Perryville.)

“I was going through severe mental health issues at California Institution for Women, which is a prison in southern California. I was never handcuffed but was taken to a watch cell where I changed into a smock with velcro fasteners. An RN in the mental health care division immediately saw me in the room. No guard is staring at you as they have cameras instead.

I received 3 hot meals a day although that came with a paper spoon and cup. Recreation was twice a day, I was allowed to socialize with others, and I was given my clothes back on the third day. We had access to a library at all times. The maximum stay in watch is 5 days. There was constant counseling available, and a psychologist on site.”

Open Letter to Ryan Thornell: Director Letter on Mental Health Awareness

Open Letter to Ryan Thornell: Director Letter on Mental Health Awareness

Your March 5th mental health letter went over like a lead balloon with the ladies at Perryville. You are so out of touch. Ryan, you live in your ivory tower insulated by sycophants who treat you like a mushroom. Didn’t that encounter with Erica Stapleton teach you anything?

Some of your front-line staff are NOT PROFESSIONALS! They lie, they cheat, and they cover their ass. They are not the least bit interested in helping a resident with a mental health crisis. I have seen many women beg for help only to be told by staff, “I can’t do anything unless they endanger themselves or others.”

You couldn’t possibly know the extreme stress these women are under 24/7, by their oppressors and by the system. There WILL be more self-harm and dead inmates in Perryville. I overhear women discussing “best ways to hang by the shower head”.

You write:”…. draw a picture to represent your mood or to remind you of your favorite things.” I can hear the ladies of Perryville singing Sound Of Music’s ‘My Favorite Things’. Really????

Speaking of drawing…we used to be able to get coloring books to assuage the anxiety, but Shinn banned them. We used to use acrylic paint to be creative with….but Shinn banned them. Every Unit in Perryville used to have an Art Department…. but they were shut down. When I taught in the Cruz Art Department, (2012-2018) we had coloring time with soft music in the background. The SMI’s loved it! They frequently said it was the only way they felt calm.

If you asked the minimum inmates where they’d rather be, 98% would prefer a two-man cell again. Yes, even if it meant no air conditioning. Perryville is down 2 units….no more Maria or Pedro. All the women in minimum are packed to the gills with no privacy or autonomy.

Stress? You want to know stress? San Carlos “A” bay has had 5 major shakes (average time 5 hours) and four K9 shakes since November 29, 2023. That’s NINE SHAKES IN 3 MONTHS! What happened to one per quarter?

Perryville residents have bad food, bad water, and bad medical care. Let’s talk No-Care Naphcare shall we? Recently, the ACLU asked me to round up people with serious health problems to be interviewed by them on March 14th. I submitted a very long list starting with three terminally ill cancer patients. After talking with half of Carlos I was very depressed…..these people are not getting proper care. The patients blame the staff at medical, but I think their anger should be directed at Naphcare. The staff are hamstrung by the vendor’s proclivity to saving money over lives.

Your staff will insulate you and tell you what you want to hear. Come here and listen to the inmates, don’t be herded around by the DW’s. Keep trying to make our lives better.

DOC’s Latest Money Making Scheme Revealed!

DOC’s Latest Money Making Scheme Revealed!

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Adult Protective Services Just Like the DOC?

Adult Protective Services Just Like the DOC?

A recent article in the Republic said about APS, "Numerous gaps were found in the state system of providing protection to vulnerable adults who are unable to protect themselves because of physical or mental impairment, or they are incapacitated." "Allegations of...



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Another Inmate FICO Goes Down In Flames!

Another Inmate FICO Goes Down In Flames!

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Overcrowding In Perryville Causing Mental Health Crisis

Overcrowding In Perryville Causing Mental Health Crisis

Overcrowding is not the only reason for the mental health disaster that affects the ladies here, but it's a big contributor. The crowding is most felt in the dorm-style units, as there is absolutely NO PRIVACY. The lights burn all day and night....imagine trying to...

Guard Recounts Sad MAT Story

Guard Recounts Sad MAT Story

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Perryville’s Geriatric and Disabled Crisis

Perryville’s Geriatric and Disabled Crisis

Transcript of a letter to Ryan Thornell, Director of the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry: "I am an incarcerated resident of Perryville and advocate for the elderly and disabled living here. In society, we are invisible, forgotten,...



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Is Lt. Adamu. Racist, Misogynistic, or Bi-Polar?

Is Lt. Adamu. Racist, Misogynistic, or Bi-Polar?

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“Drink More Water”…Yeah, Get Cancer Quicker!

“Drink More Water”…Yeah, Get Cancer Quicker!

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Corizon Does Texas 2 Step To Avoid Paying Fines And Court Awards

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