Stories Direct from The Inmates

Life in Perryville


The DOC and San Carlos administration has come to an all-time low. This sweet, shy, lady who lost a lung in a traffic accident, has been condemned to breathe toxic fumes from the smoking bathroom. Her cube is only a few feet from A bays designated smoking bathroom. (A note to new readers: smoking bathrooms were chosen by the inmates when Carlos was built. Staff will never acknowledge their existence.)

This lady’s name is Dana, and she was assigned this cube Oct 2021. She has never received a ticket, always done her porter job on time, and is a model inmate. Dana is a lifelong nonsmoker. From the moment she realized that her cube location subjected her to 24/7 smoke fumes, she’s begged to be moved in 8 inmate letters, and 4 emails to staff. She received one paper reply from staff, and zero replies to her emails. There have been numerous attempts to speak to staff in person without receiving any help.

Dana has tried to enlist the aid of medical in her struggle to breathe. Providers there gave her two different kinds of inhalers “because of the smoke”, but refused inhalation therapy and refused to help her move. This poor woman gets absolutely no help for her disability from a state agency entrusted with her care. Not only does this cruelty affect her physical health, it has plunged her mental health into despair….. she has contemplated suicide watch.

Dana recently had an emergency ICS due to breathing spasms. An advocate of hers researched inmate courtesy moves within Carlos, and found they are a common practice…….. for everything BUT smoking. The advocate explained to her all she needs to do is ask to be near a caregiver, and she’d be moved right away. But don’t ever, ever, say the S word (smoking)! A resident will be punished for telling the truth about smoke, but lying is OK.

The DOC is a bunch of lying hypocrites!!!!! They will never acknowledge smoking bathrooms, or smoking out of area, or smoking period. DOC, you have a dark, evil heart for subjecting Dana to this living hell.



(Whew. I just finished a 2-hour interview with this new mom….and I’m exhausted. I’m forwarding this to the media, Judge Silver, Director Thornell, and Governor Hobbs.).

Ms. Thomas in her own words. “I’ve never been in prison before, I’ve never been in trouble before.

My horror story started at intake in Perryville prison. I told them I was 31 weeks pregnant, I hadn’t eaten in 10 hours, and I was dehydrated. They insisted I take a glucose tolerance test anyway. I passed out and hit the floor. When I woke up I was with the charge nurse who was visibly worried. Because I was pregnant, she called an ambulance and I was taken to the hospital, where I received 4 units of fluids.

Immediately upon returning to the prison I was assigned a room in R and A. There was no mattress on the steel bunk, and when I asked the guard where it was he slammed the door in my face. That night I slept on a blanket.

The “extra” pregnancy diet is bread, milk, and peanut butter. I happen to be deathly allergic to beans and peanut butter. Who knew prison food would have beans at every meal? I told the guards every day I couldn’t eat this stuff, but for 18 days I was ignored. Me and my baby got very hungry.

At last, when I was transferred to San Carlos unit I thought maybe I can eat now. Nope, a White Shirt (Trinity employee) named Price tormented me. On my first day on Carlos, I requested my special no beans, no peanut butter, pregnancy diet. Price snarled at me and said, “Go to medical and put in an H and R”.

After four times of being rebuffed, I took a regular tray because I was starving. I told this food nightmare to the prison OB/GYN and apparently, he talked to COIV Senna. Ms. Senna seemed helpful and spoke to Price. But, the next day at the kitchen Price told me ” You’re not in my book, go away!”

By this time my family had put money on my books and I discovered the commissary. A very high-priced prison store, where at last I was able to feed myself and my baby. I never set foot in the prison kitchen again. Why should I fight for milk and bread?

I was pressured constantly by the OB to be induced. Every time I saw him he’d give induction his best pitch, and every time I said no.

Finally, on August 12th I started having cramps and noticed bleeding. I called an ICS and was taken to medical. The nurse asked if my water had broken yet, and when I said no she wanted to send me back to the bay. Having your water break is not the only criterion for eminent birth. They didn’t check to see if I was dilated either.

For most of the day, I remained in my cube moaning in pain…contractions and bleeding continued. Again I called an ICS. I told the nurses I was going to have this baby. They offered me Tylenol and told me to rest.

Finally, at 10 pm I had enough and screamed in pain. I was put in a wheelchair, where two wise-cracking guards said, “You sure you’re pregnant?”. The night nurse said she’d have to call the Provider. At long last, near midnight, I was in an ambulance going to the hospital. I was dilated 9cm and went to delivery.

After my baby was born I asked the nurses when I was going to the Tucson facility to bond with my child. I had been pre-approved to go to this ranch for the 72-hour bonding allowed me. The nurses dismissed me and told me I was staying there for 72 hours. One nurse said, ” That program doesn’t exist anymore “. I knew that was a lie because I booked it only 2 weeks ago! A different nurse came in and confided, ” The guards just don’t want to drive all the way to Tucson.”

So I spent the next 72 hours in a hospital room trying to bond with my baby under the worst circumstances. A lot of a newborn’s time is sleeping. Every guard duo I had cussed up a storm, was loud and disrespectful. They’d pull up the blinds when my baby was trying to sleep.

I’ll never forget the clerk to COIV Senna said, “You’ll be fine….they only put the GOOD guards on maternity detail”. Well, if these were the ” good” guards, I’d hate to see the worst!

On my last day the female guard gave me my prison clothes back. Then she looked at the bag I got from the hospital. It had after-birth care products, pads, cleansers, and a breast pump. The guard dumped it all out and said I couldn’t take any of it with me! How will I take care of myself?

All of this just topped off a grueling and painful experience, where I was deprived of any sense of dignity.”

Inmate Sucked into MRI Machine!

Inmate Sucked into MRI Machine!

We just had a lengthy interview with this 37-year-old young lady. Here is what she told us. “I was going to have an MRI on my breasts at the hospital. As usual, I was chained head to foot, and accompanied by 2 guards. The MRI technician was not there, but the hospital decided to place another staff member there to substitute. This new staffer asked me to step into the room and started to explain the procedure. I specifically asked if my chains should be removed, and she said ” That won’t be a problem “.

As I moved to the bed there was a loud sound, and my body was slammed to the outside of the machine! The belly chained tightened around my torso that I felt like I was torn in two. The pain was terrible! The handcuffs cut deep into my flesh and started to bleed profusely. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and was going to pass out.

The guard tried to help me but forgot about all the metal (gun) he carries around his waist, and got stuck too.

Now the fire department is called, people scurrying around yelling, but no one will turn the damn thing off!! The big red button on the wall is right there…..I’m screaming for them to push it.. but inexplicably… no one does!

The firemen can’t come in because they have metal all over them. Someone tells me to hold on 15 more minutes….. who are these people??!!!!! I can’t breathe!

As the tech sees me turn blue, she FINALLY pushes the red button. There is a click…then merciful relief. I collapsed on the floor.

I have permanent scarring on my waist from being burned by the chains. Ditto my hands and wrist from handcuffs.”

The cAGEing of Perryville

The cAGEing of Perryville

Recently, we heard from an elderly inmate, and this is her letter about fellow aging women in prison. "I hadn't been back to Cruz unit in over 3 years. Cruz is where they store most of the aging population in medium custody. Women in their 60s and 70s all know each...

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An Amputee Tells Her Story

An Amputee Tells Her Story

I had my leg amputated above the knee on 7-30-21. This nightmare starts on Lumley, the most horrible unit on the planet. DW Bendel's motto is "I don't care," in fact he's quoted as saying that in Townhall meetings. There is only one ADA shower on the whole unit, and...

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Nightmare on Shingles Street

Nightmare on Shingles Street

(This is a true story by one of our favorite reporters on Lumley---Ed.) "At age 71, I take chest pain seriously. On Monday morning I told the guards I was experiencing severe chest pain. I was transferred to medical via wheelchair immediately. The nurse hooked me up...

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Interview with 2 Lifers

Interview with 2 Lifers

(Some thoughts from two women who have 'natural life' without possibility of parole---Ed.) "I'm a Navy veteran that served in Afghanistan and returned diagnosed with bipolar and PTSD. The VA prescribed prescriptions for my night terrors and I was heavily medicated. To...

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From Santa Maria, notes on lockdown

From Santa Maria, notes on lockdown

"At least we don't have to rec in a cage." (Maria only has 2 yards. A yard is R and A and MDU---who don't get outside rec, hence no cages on the main yard. B yard is regular medium inmates..Ed) "They have a schedule that is only good for 48 hours, then they change it...

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From Santa Cruz: Notes of Despair

From Santa Cruz: Notes of Despair

Overheard on 2-10-21. " My roommate has started cutting herself again." "Is this Arizona's idea of rehabilitation and re-entry????" "I feel meaner than a junkyard dog." "D yard has had 3 fistfights over a shower. This yard only has 5 working showers for 197...

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More cruelty from the DOC

More cruelty from the DOC

Just when you think the inmates can't take anymore, the DOC delivers more pain. Because the Florence prison screwed up and let 2 male inmates escape, the DOC is determined to take it out on the girls too. We are waiting for our sources on Maria and Cruz to come in,...

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